Surviving a stint in jail and one with the Klan (Trust me, it's true), somehow Daryl Wright emerged as a talented and hilarious comic. Performing at clubs across America and most recently, as a feature comic on the Showtime Special Jon Lovitz Presents, Daryl's star is just starting to shine brighter than ever. You can catch up with this “up and coming” funny fan Saturday (July 16th) at the Irvine Improv as he opens for OC 's favorite Pablo Francisco and take in a double dose of fall on the floor funny that cannot be missed.
OC Weekly (Ali Lerman): I was reading in your bio that you once lived with your friends parents who were in the Klan. Ummm huh?
Daryl Wright: They were awesome! That's like my family now, I love
them. They were in the Klan, but it's really weird. People that don't
live around racist people don't understand. It's like; everybody's a
nigga except for Daryl. But the rest of the black people can go to hell.
That's what it's like. It's fascinating that a lot of those guys have
never even met a black person because when they do, they normally love
them! They didn't' look at me as black. It's very weird but I love them
to death.
Weird indeed. How would you classify your comedy?
It's like civil rights, it's not for everybody. That is the best description that I can come up with in one sentence.
Where do you pool most of your inspiration from?
Life! I just live life. I'm not smart enough to make stuff up. I
really don't sit down and make up jokes. I've had a weird life so and
some crazy stuff has happened to me, and I just tell people.
You mentioned Vodka several times on your Twitter, is that your drink of choice?
Yes, definitely. Vodka is my drink of choice. I have tried them all
and I've settled with Vodka. Vodka and I have a comfortable
understanding with one another.
Any brand in particular?
Well I can't say the brand until they sponsor me!
I thought maybe if you put it out there it'd speed up the process. I am only thinking of you.
Ok then. I really drink whatever's there. As long as it's Vodka.
You're not a picky drunk then huh?
[Laughs.] No! I wish I was! Smirnoff is a good one, Grey Goose of
course. I love that Sweet Tea Vodka that's out now too. Oh that stuff is
delicious! Mix it with a little 7-Up or soda water and it's on!
So if comedy doesn't work out, do you think bartending is in your future?
Oh no because I'm drinking! I wouldn't care if you want a drink or not. I'd be drinking. It would be bad. It would be very bad.
It would probably be good for the taxi industry though.
[Laughs.] That is a very good point! I didn't think of it like that!
It could be very good for the taxi industry and the economy! I could be
helping with employment. So basically, it would be like I'm not drinking
for me. I'm drinking for the United States of America. I always thought
of myself as a patriot but I didn't know how to show until you gave me
the idea Ali. Thank you so much!
Anytime! You had some “Twitteria” as my friend Glynn calls it, the
other week about the BET Awards. I just wanted to give you air
high-fives for the funny.
Thank you. You have to walk a really fine line sometimes. There were
some Tweets that I wanted to put out, but I pulled back. I had some
“Twitteria” the other week about Casey Anthony. I was on it all day. It
was really cool because a lot of people felt the same way I did. I got
some great messages. I just kept going all day long. I don't know how I
did it.
So, Casey Anthony. Guilty or dirty guilty bitch?
[Laughs.] Is there a choice C?
Umm… dirty guilty skanky bitch?
Ok then! This is what I think. The media complicates things. I've
been to jail, I've been a part of the justice system, and I'll tell you
what I know. I know people that are doing life sentences with a lot less
evidence then what they had. But when you add cameras, it makes people
over think a lot of things. If there were no cameras in there, it'd last
a day and a half and she'd be facing death. Simple as that.
I think death is a little too easy.
But they would've got it! If there weren't cameras, it'd have been
death. It's like, they went after at what they could get, but it's not
normal once you add the media. When you add cameras people think they
are on CSI. When you take out the cameras all you have is common sense.
Common sense says, she killed her kid. It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to figure out she killed that kid. It is what it is.
On a lighter note, shooting a crack head in his ass should be rewarded. Mazel Tov!
I have never heard anyone put it like that! That whole scenario is
part actually of my act. The whole dynamics of humanity is really
fascinating inside of that story. It's a longer story than just me
shooting the guy, like I actually know the guy. It's really a funny
situation between us now.
I would have thought you kind of did him a favor because he gets to live in a hospital to recover.
That's funny because that's kind of what it's about. It's interesting
that you'd pick up on what's happening now. He's actually now grateful
for what happened. I was really drunk and I tried to miss him to scare
him. But then I guess getting shot in the ass is pretty scary. I guess I
accomplished what I wanted to do. But say that I don't get drunk and
shoot people, because no one will come see the show!
Disclaimer: Daryl will not shoot anyone when he is drunk. Anymore. Now, what kind of show can we expect to see when we come out?
I love Irvine! Every time I've been down there I've had a ball! I'm
opening for Pablo Francisco who is awesome. All I can do is just go out
there and be me and have fun with the audience. I just hope that no
matter what happens that night, people can laugh. At the end of the day,
that's my job!
So what is next for you?
I just want to make people laugh and make a living. I have a CD
coming out in August called, “Wildly Inappropriate” and I did the
Showtime special in April with Jon Lovitz for my first TV credit ever. I
was blessed enough to become the first comic on George Carlin's record
label (other than George Carlin) Eardrum Records. My managers have
really helped me with what it takes to be a comic. I'm just grateful for
the opportunity, it's an honor. It's a little bit of pressure, but I
embrace it. I want to be good at what I do. I remember seeing George
Carlin and Robin Harris thinking, how can they do that? Now if you watch
most comedy that has been sterilized you have people saying, I can do
that! It's almost the same sentence but it has two different meanings.
There aren't many guys out there that can really do it. Bill Burr, Jim
Jefferies, Lewis Black, Kevin Hart…those guys are great. It's really sad
to see the business I love and that I've chose is sterilizing itself.
We're the last bastion on free speech! Once the jester is not allowed to
make fun of the king, you're in trouble! I don't want to be a star, but
I want to be damn good!
Whoa. You're getting all deep on me!
Hey, I'm deeper than just Casey Anthony jokes!
You can follow Daryl on Twitter @daryl_wright and check out his website to see upcoming tour dates and hysterical material.
Get your tickets now to see Daryl Wright this Saturday at the Irvine
Improv. For tickets call 949-854-5455 or log onto: The
Improv is located at 71 Fortune Drive Irvine, CA 92618 (21+ over)

Ali Lerman knows much about comedy, basketball, and celebrating Wu-Tang Wednesday. She’s been writing for sixteen years and still calls her mom with grammatical questions.