“Rumor has it that I will
not be returning for 'season 6.' That rumor is true!” Lynne Curtin has posted on her Facebook page.
Her departure coupled with the arrival of Peggy Tanous means The Real Housewives of Orange County will be the only Bravo Housewives reality show with an all-blonde cast (or, at least, bottled blonde cast).
To bid adieu to Curtin, we present her top eight highlights (or lowlights, depending on if you view the program as comedy or stunning indictment of modern life).
- Being outed as a pothead.
- Facing her third eviction from her Laguna Beach home for failing to pay a security deposit of more than $12,000.
- Being questioned by police after the property owner reported the
loss of several expensive pieces of furniture from the home, something
that was not captured by Bravo's cameras.
- Facing a fourth eviction, which was captured by Bravo cameras.
- Hiring a “teen whisperer” to help her and her husband communicate with their hearty-partying teen daughters . . . to little visible effect.
- Supplying tough love to the oldest, Raquel–who wasn't in school, wasn't working, had no
interests and had no plans for college–by
buying her a $22,000 BMW for her birthday.
- Confessing–after Raquel showed up to her birthday party in a form-fitting dress that her boyfriend said made her look like a stripper–the garment belonged to her.
- Getting plastic surgery on her face and neck while Raquel got a nose job.
Don't worry, trainwreck fans, her same Facebook message includes this:
“Further rumor has it
we will be back somewhere else on our own show! Hmmmm! 'Watch what
happens.' Life is so unpredictable! Enjoy! L.”Be still, my beating heart!
By the way, “Enjoy! L” is Lynne's way of signing off, not an invitation to consume LSD.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.