Trump Impeachment March Santa Ana


Hundred's rallied at Sasscer Park in SanTana July 2, 2017 for Impeachment March OC. Organizer Natasha Salgado, activist Naui Huitzilopochtli, and Garden Grove School District trustee Walter Muneton gave speeches with members of Indivisible OC and Pantsuit Nation following suit. The majority elderly white crowd marched peacefully through SanTana streets Ross, 17th, Main and Santa Ana Blvd. with the most rebellious action being the occasional step off the sidewalk.

While many SanTana residents honked from cars and cheered from apartments in support, the march appeared to be mostly non-locals who preferred to sing “This Land Is Our Land” as they marched instead of bumping YG's “Fuck Donald Trump” through the streets like real SanTaneros.

Despite the sharp contract from the local-led inauguration day protest, organizers called the event a success with Santa Ana Police Department estimating almost 700 attendees and no incidents occurring.

All images by Brian Feinzimer.

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