Beating Hearts [Hey, You!]

I was just cruising along on my way home, and I heard this motorcycle come up behind me to the left. As any good driver, I looked up to see where the bike was, but you caught my eye. You had beautiful, silky, black hair and adorable old-school-looking goggles. Our eyes locked. It was as if time stopped and everything was in slow motion for just that moment—straight out of the movies. But I feel a bit conflicted. Was that a safe situation? I’ve always thought bikes were a bit dicey, but then it’s a whole different kind of dicey when you involve another beating heart. You looked so cute nestled between your owner’s legs on that bike. By the way, are you a black Lab?

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to le*****@oc******.com.

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