DUI Checkpoint Held Near Bake and Rockfield in Irvine Saturday Night

Remember, kids, don’t drive after beer pong in the rain. Photo by Blake List for Unsplash

The Irvine Police Department holds a sobriety checkpoint Saturday from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.


The area of Bake Parkway and Rockfield Boulevard.

Motorists will be greeted and given information about impaired driving, according to the cop shop.

But if one of the trained officers suspects a driver is impaired, the niceties will end and that motorist will be directed to a secondary area for further evaluation. From there, anything from a have a nice day and be on your way to a trip to jail for you and to impound for your vehicle could follow.

This checkpoint is funded by a grant to the Irvine Police Department from the California Office of Traffic Safety.

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