Chris Norby Again Escapes Having Domestic Violence Charges Filed Against Him by the DA

The Orange County District Attorney's office (OCDA) has declined to file criminal charges against Chris Norby, the former Fullerton mayor, Orange County supervisor and state assemblyman accused of domestic violence by his estranged wife.

If that has a familiar ring to it, perhaps it is because in 2010 the OCDA declined to file criminal charges against the politician after Ziomara Norby made similar allegations.


Chris Norby, Former Assemblyman, Files for Divorce After Wife Requests Restraining Order

After Norby's most recent arrest by Fullerton Police for alleged domestic violence on March 12, 36-year-old Ziomara sought a restraining order, with court documents accusing the 64-year-old, four-times-married Norby of physical and verbal abuse dating back to 2010. (Full details are in the link above.)

Shortly after that court filing, Norby filed court papers of his own–seeking a divorce.

Norby's attorney David Borsari told City News Service his client “is extremely relieved” that the DA is not filing charges, adding, “He still has a deep love for his stepchildren and his biological child.”

Ziomara and Norby, who have been married about five years, have a 2-year-old son that the father sees a couple hours per day with court supervision under the terms of a temporary restraining order, according to Borsari.

The divorce and permanent restraining order cases are pending in Family Law Court, the attorney added.



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