Renowned as one of the most talented short-story writers in literary history, Anton Chekhov created a wealth of cultural dramas and fables perfect for plucking up and adapting into theater vignettes. Here, director Diane Benedict helps brings three of the author's anecdote's to the stage. First up is The Bear, in which a financially ruined widow combats with her landlord (we like the end to this one). Next, the The Bet is about the speculation between a lawyer and a banker about which is better, the death penalty or life in prison. And, finally, in The Proposal, we meet a young man asking for his beloved's hand in marriage from her father—only to have the entire scene play out in needless arguments, thus starting the marriage off on a foreboding note. Sure to get those cerebral juices flowing, don't miss this limited run.
Fridays, Saturdays, 8 p.m. Starts: June 20. Continues through July 12, 2014