
Accurately described as “a terrifying and disturbing drama,” Alan Bowne's Beirut takes a grim look into the United State's not-too-distant future. An unnamed plague has ravaged the country, especially New York, where this story takes place. Those who are infected are quarantined—and because the disease is transmitted through intimate contact, “sex is a capital crime.” Which a pretty terrible fate if you're a young person in maddening infatuation. Meet Torch, a man infected with the virus, and Blue, a woman who is willing to do anything—including die—to be with the one she loves. Beirut debuted in 1987 during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic—and though the story's disease is never identified, we wonder if it's all that fictional.

Fridays, Saturdays, 8 p.m. Starts: Aug. 22. Continues through Sept. 13, 2014

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