I spend so much time at C4 Deli in downtown SanTana that I've neglected its big sister, Chapter One: The Modern Local. So I swung by the other week to have myself a full meal: crunchy jalapeño poppers, a gigantic hamburger (make non-Sriracha hot sauce available, Argie Jeff and Gabacho Jeff!) and more Friscos that a healthy liver should be able to support.
Dessert seemed impossible, but then I noticed a new item: Monkey Balls.
Lightly fried banana cake doughnut holes topped with crème anglaise, with a stream of caramel sauce on the plate so you can run each ball through it? HELL YA!
Though only four to an order, the Monkey Balls were large and dense enough to function as a huge slice of banana cake. Kudos, Chapter One, for always bringing in new entrees with outlandish names and making them work. Now, let's work on more hot sauce…
Email: ga*******@oc******.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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