The Original Ramen Burger Coming To Torrance This Saturday!

Remember the ramen burger? The one that one GoRamen blogger and chef, Keizo Shimamoto, debuted in New York at a a thing called Smorgasburd and then immediately went viral? The one that everyone has been calling the next cronut ever since?

Well, it's coming to Southern California, like, this weekend, like, seriously! Shimamoto is serving it at the Torrance Mitsuwa on Saturday. But he's only making 500 of them.

You might be thinking to yourself right about now that Torrance is quite a schlep from OC. You might be thinking why didn't the dude, who is an OC boy originally, decide on the Costa Mesa Mitsuwa instead. Well, if you're going to wait hours in line for this thing, the drive to Torrance is the least of your worries.

Here's the announcement in Shimamoto's own words:


A week ago I had a dream that my mom would be able to try a Ramen Burgerâ„¢, not an imposter but a REAL Ramen Burgerâ„¢, the same one I debuted at Smorgasburg five weeks ago. Today that dream will come true. But not only will my mom be able to eat one, my fellow Angelinos who come early will also get to try one.

So get ready California. Get ready Los Angeles. 500 hundred Ramen Burger's (and maybe some more) will be first come first serve for $8 beginning at 11am this Saturday (9/7).

Where?? At Mitsuwa Market in Torrance. 21515 S. Western Ave., Torrance,CA 90501

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