Janet Nguyen, County Supervisor, Caught Using Her Parade “Prop” in a Most Negligent Way

A veteran Orange County political observer believes he has caught county Supervisor Janet Nguyen in a crime.

No, not the usual crimes of corruption or moral negligence toward the poor usually associated with the County of Orange's Board of Supervisors.

This one will have folks screeching, “But wotta 'bout the chillllllldren!”


Or, more specifically, a child. Supervisor Nguyen's child!

Go to New Santa Ana and you'll see that the artful Art Pedroza has posted a photo of Nguyen riding in the back of a convertible VW in last Sunday's Fiestas Patrias Parade in downtown Santa Ana.

The supervisor, who is a candidate for the state Senate in 2014, is seen riding not in a seat but atop the folded-down canvas car roof between the top of the backseats and the trunk (or engine compartment if new VW's are like the old Bugs).

In Nguyen's lap: her child, who does not appear to be belted into anything and is most certainly not in a law-required car seat.


Here is what the State of California has to say about this:

* Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat.
* Children under the age of 8 who are 4′ 9″ or taller may be secured by a safety belt in the back seat.
* Children who are 8 years and over shall be properly secured in an appropriate child passenger restraint system or safety belt.
* Passengers who are 16 years of age and over are subject to California's Mandatory Seat Belt law.
* Buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself in a crash. Also, seat belts are the best defense against impaired, aggressive, and distracted drivers.

It is outrageous that an elected official would break the law, in the open air, at a public event, but that is precisely what Nguyen did. She used her kid as a prop.

The New Santa Anan notes that the supervisor previously used her child as a prop at a Tet Parade, providing a photo of that kiddie dangling also.

As for the latest incident, Pedroza informs in an email, “It reminded me of Michael Jackson holding his kid off a balcony years ago.”

Perhaps we should start a collection for a sitter.



. Twitter: @MatthewTCoker. Follow OC Weekly on Twitter @ocweekly or on Facebook!

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