Originally from the tiny town of Wynne, Arkansas (with a population of less than 9,000), Chase Pagan's music is incredibly ambitious yet also sincere and intimate. Layering melodies and combining vaudeville with whimsical folk, this handsomely unkempt musician has a unique style, an uncommon feat these days (the unique part, that is-handsome comes in all styles). Signed to Long Beach-based record label the Militia Group, Pagan has found a warm and ecstatic welcome in sunny California with the recent release of Oh, Musica. And he'll be playing Anaheim's all-ages venue Chain Reaction (generally known for hosting more than its share of hardcore and screamo shows) with Lost Ocean, Big Sur and Missing Since Yesterday, adding an element of organic and sweet to an otherwise-harsh atmosphere.
Thu., Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m., 2008