Barbara Coe Continues To Hate Muslims–And Now, Sikhs?!

This month's meeting of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform promises to be a blast, and not just because it's always a funhouse whenever CCIR head Barbara Coe (recently described by frequent commentator Baxter as “a spent cigarette butt with arms”–HILARIOUS) opens her gnarled mouth. Muslim activists have finally heeded our call and plan to protest Babs and her Know Nothings for their Muslim-hating ways because of the meeting's scheduled topic: “The Deadly Threat of Islam to America.” Throw in a couple of Mexicans in the mix, and you very well may see CCIR's geriatric membership have heart palpitations! Join the fun on Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden Grove Women's Club, 9501 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove. Members get in for free; non-members $5, no Mexicans need apply.

You know who should also protest Babs? Sikhs–you know that religion where everyone's last name seems to be Singh and the men can't cut their hair and thus always wear a turban and sport a fabulous beard. Earlier this week, a Sikh woman in Houston sued the IRS because they wouldn't let her carry a ceremonial knife (per the tenets of her faith) to work. Woman's totally legal–a citizen, even. Yet that didn't stop Coe from sending off an email to her coven attacking the woman with the following couplet. Caps, as always when it involves Coe, in the original:

There is one SIMPLE reply/action to foreign invaders who REFUSE to comply with AMERICAN laws:  DEPORT!  DEPORT!   DEPORT!  They are free to practice their “faith” in THEIR country of origin!

Fuck religion freedom, right, Babs? See you Wednesday the 28th!

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