Geekeasy Will NOT be Held at Downtown Santa Ana

We repeat,  the Geekeasythe video game-inspired music and art event that Ned Raggett wrote about this week–won't be held in Santa Ana this weekend.

Apparently the organizers couldn't get the proper city permits for the event. According to organizer Chris Lynch, securing a
permit to sell alcohol would take 30 days, a permit to hang art would cost $400. WTF. And also, oops.

Lynch sent us a rambling long email apologizing for the change, and detailing the trials and tribulations of doing a DIY event with booze in Santa Ana. If we'd known they didn't have the permits when they announced the show we would've told them that there was no way the city of Santa Ana was going to give them a permit on the fly.

Luckily, Lynch has some pretty good friends with DIY spaces, except that they live far away. The gig will now be held in a DIY space in LA called the Home Room (3121 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, 90057).
It will be all ages, but there's no booze, and shows end early. Doors at 8:30 p.m. Oh, and since it's a gallery that already has art, there won't be any Geekeasy art at the show either. In the words of Charlie Brown, augh.

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