Suffering from chocolate overload, thanks to the English tradition for vast amounts of huge chocolate eggs at Easter, I was intrigued by this article about an inhalable, zero-calorie form of the stuff called Le Whif.
Harvard Professor David Edwards, who created the canisters filled with tiny particles of chocolate powder in his Paris lab with the help of students, claims that the invention taps into the modern-day tendency to eat little and often. According to Edwards, “It seemed to us that eating was tending toward breathing, so, with a mix of culinary art and aerosol science, we've helped move eating habits to their logical conclusion. We call it whiffing.”
I call it baloney.
Isn't it better to get pleasure from the real thing, in small doses, rather than breathe in some pseudo-chocolate-gas that, as the article points out, will no doubt increase the appetite anyway? And, horror of horrors, the company behind Le Whif apparently has plans to expand its range of products to include powders that will “replicate the experience of the meals served at the best French restaurants.”
Should MarchN Moderne et al be worried? I don't think so.
But if you are curious, note that Le Whif comes in four varieties and can be orderedĀ fromĀ the website.