Understanding Laguna Niguel Through Twitter

Gustavo's always ragging on Laguna Niguel as being the lamest city in the county. I live in a neighboring town, and I gotta say, it's not so bad. Laguna Niguel has some good fast food!

Real people do live in Laguna Niguel, and they do like it. How do we know? Twitter, duh. Here's a not-so-random sampling of recent tweets re: LN. Let's see what we can learn.

Less one:
It's pretty.

SimplyJavi Good morning my lil twitters… Such a beautiful day in the hills of Laguna Niguel 🙂

alieinna What I love about Laguna Niguel is that you can hear birds chirping outside at all times.

ljmorefield Gorgeous day in Laguna Niguel…cool breeze, sun coming out from the morning fog. And Golf today!

Lesson two:
These people like their burritos.

djchuang: yes! Chipotle coming closer to me neck of the hills (Laguna Niguel) this September http://bit.ly/T2dg

megajetta: Is so stoked they are opening a Chipolte in Laguna Niguel!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson three: 
Ok, actually, this is less of a lesson than a question. Why would our mom's generation's premier lesbian comic ever perform somewhere off Moulton Parkway?

KimFBlevins @TheEllenShow Ellen, can you come to Laguna Niguel in Orange County??

Lesson four: A plurality of the Twitter mentions of Laguna Niguel are in connection to the St. Regis Laguna Niguel — which is actually in Dana Point.

JonetteJordan I knew this question was coming. Not married, but if I were 2 get married..hands down The Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel! My fav location EVER!

Lesson five:
The official Laguna Niguel Twitter account (LagunaNiguelCA) is crazy proactive. Whoever runs it is quick to message new followers, retweet positive mentions of the city and pimp out info about the new anti-mooning ordinance.

LagunaNiguelCA @KimFBlevins @theEllenShow We think thats a great idea!

LagunaNiguelCA RT @timebandit: Dog walking in Crown Valley Community Park, Laguna Niguel is always fun. (Thanks! What other parks in LN do you like?!)

LagunaNiguelCA @CapoDispatch – thanks for spreading the word on the new ordinances for the mooning event! more info can be found on our website as well!

RayStendall Am very happy that I found a great house to live in Laguna Niguel 5 miles from the ocean…so happy what a house! OC here we come

Lesson seven: As is the case with all boring places, residents liven things up with libations.

ssoun126 Friends inviting to laguna niguel for another nite of drinking. I'm fucking tired butvim also bored- what to do what to do.

Final lesson: There are… drawbacks.

ShredderFeeder: @grace134 I know, I lived in Laguna Niguel, OC, or like I call it “Richfuckheadville, CA”

drewrx Laguna niguel….so ghetto, I cud die.

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