ALSO TONIGHT: The New Limb, Stacy Clark Finish their Detroit Bar Residency

We've written a great deal about the June Stacy Clark/The New Limb residency at Detroit Bar, so I won't go into too much detail here. Just know this: tonight, being the last Monday in June and all, is the final night to watch these two delightful Orange County acts play for free. And in Clark's case, since she's recording a second album soon, your last chance to see her for a while. There's also rumbling that some additional OC musicians will join The New Limb on stage for a Beatles cover, so there's some extra incentive.

Residencies coming up at Detroit Bar: every Monday in July, things get considerably harder with Costa Mesa's Pistolero. In August, LA Americana band Dawes will come fresh from touring the nation with Deer Tick to play Detroit on Mondays. Nice to see the venue switching up the genres.

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