Anti-Prop 8/Pro-Gay Marriage Summit Deemed “a Disaster”

Chris Prevatt of TheLiberalOC blogged and tweeted from a LGBT Leadership Summit in San Bernardino aimed at repealing Prop 8 and restoring marriage equality for all Californians. The gathering revealed a schism within the movement between activists who want to get a Prop 8 counter measure on the 2010 ballot and a leadership that, staring down the political realities, sees 2012 as a more likely year such a measure would pass.

The meeting itself was a disaster. The agenda was not distributed in
advance and the 2010 activists in particular wanted the agenda to
include a decision regarding whether the repeal of Prop 8 should be
sought in 2010 or 2012. They were not at all interested in hearing
about the results of the “Get Engaged” tours or the opinions of
experts. They simply wanted an up or down vote, since they focused
considerable effort on turning out supporters of 2010 to the summit.


At several points during the meeting the assembly could not agree to
process for discussion of the process to be used to repeal Prop 8.
There was discussion at one point as to whether or not to allow online
participants to vote in the process discussion. The difference in the
vote on allowing votes from online participants to be considered was 8
votes, resulting in online participants votes not considered.

A impromptu straw poll later revealed there was 2 to 1 support at the
summit for plowing ahead with a 2010 measure–despite serious questions
raised about funding and the liklihood of another defeat at the popular
polls, Prevatt reported.

So from here we have those who want to move forward with 2010 pretty
much driving the Titanic yelling at the top of their lungs; “Damn the Icebergs, full speed ahead.” For my part, I am now trying to figure out where the nearest lifeboats
are and wondering how I can support the repeal of Prop 8, without going
down with the ship.

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