Yeah, No Doubt is obviously one of the biggest bands from Orange County of all time. (Some might say “the;” feel free to debate that point as much as you'd like!) As such, it's appropriate that their return to Orange County–after a five-year layoff, save a quickie reunion during the encore of one of Gwen Stefani's solo shows in 2007–is appropriately big.
Tonight begins four shows at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine (the same site as their 2007 jam), and we'll have a goodly amount of coverage right here on the blog, including a concert report from tonight's show by our gal Amanda Parsons, and one from this guy (uh, me) for their last show in town on Tuesday. The Sounds open up all four shows, Paramore support today, Saturday and Sunday; the sassy Katy Perry on Tuesday.