Incoming: Deer Tick, People Under the Stairs at Detroit Bar

Yep, more solid gigs coming to Detroit Bar. It never ends!

You might think of Rhode Island as merely the smallest state by area in the union, or perhaps simply the highly fictionalized setting of Family Guy. Well, sure, it's those things, but it's also the home of Deer Tick (pictured, sorry, the bikini babes are not in the band), one of the latest entrants in the music world's folk-ish, country-ish indie rock scene (though, to be fair, their MySpace advertises them as “0% indie rock). You wouldn't think that kind of music would flourish in the Atlantic Northeast, but we should all know better by now than to doubt the Atlantic Northeast. Also, they're Brian Williams-approved! The NBC anchor interviewed him on his web-only “BriTunes” show. Haha. BriTunes.

They just released their second album, Born on Flag Day, this past June, and will celebrate their sweet, sweet success the only way that makes sense: playing Detroit Bar on October 7. Tickets are $10.

Also coming to the westside Costa Mesa spot: LA hip hop act People Under the Stairs. The duo has been doing their thing for more than a decade, and were richly rewarded for their hard work with a slot at this year's Coachella. But here's a chance to see them in a much more intimate setting–never mind closer and not outside in the sun. That's October 8 at Detroit, $15.

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