The exceedingly quirky Garage Theatre opens its 2012 Armageddon season with Goose and Tomtom, written by David Rabe and directed here by Eric Hamme. Described as an “existential mindfuck,” Goose and Tomtom is a story that's difficult to describe—filled with countless what-ifs and indefinite situations, plus a heap of the depraved and sleazy, this is fodder perhaps only appealing to the hardcore theater-goer. Fantasy precedes fact as two thieves kidnap a sex slave (or is she a princess?), steal diamonds (or do they?), and second guess their own existence along the way. It's all up for interpretation—so pry open that theatrical third eye and prepare for one trippy evening.
Thursdays-Saturdays. Starts: April 26. Continues through May 19, 2012