[UPDATED with Occupy vs. Tea Party results] Mitt Romney Cruising into Newport Beach For Friday Fundraiser!

Both Occupy and pro-Ron Paul protesters were on hand outside of the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach for a Mitt Romney fundraiser.

Members of Occupy Orange County organized a Billionaires for Mitt Romney demonstration, encouraging participants to dress up and act like the 1%, as Occupy protesters have done in other states for the newly chosen Republican presidential candidate.


Dressed up in suits and donning signs supporting Romney and the rich, about 20 Occupy protesters bewildered the media and members of anti-war group Move On with their get-ups, especially when they started chanting.

“Thank you for paying our taxes — now get a job!”

“Poor people get a clue, democracy is not for you!”

“1, 2, 3, 4 – we don't care about the poor! 5, 6, 7, 8 – don't you dare tax our estate!”

“Hey hey ho ho — the middle class has got to go!”

On the other end of the sidewalk, about a half dozen members from the Californian Tea Party group supporting Ron Paul criticized Romney's delegate selection. While they did not perform street theater to entertain the media, members shouted their message through a bullhorn exceptionally loud to catch the attention of fundraiser goers across the street.   

As mentioned in a previous post, one zealous Ron Paul supporter vowed to “outwitt” the lefty protesters to steal media attention.

Were they successful? Looks like Occupy wins for their creativity with this one. But one thing is for sure: both groups were pretty pissed off at Mitt Romney and his 1% cronies.

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