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I always knew Anaheim councilwoman Gail Eastman was a tool, or at best a deluded bat, especially after she deemed herself a historian and wrote an execrable book for children that purported to tell the history of my home town but bowdlerized everything about it when not telling outright lies.
But now that Eastman has committed one of the most HILARIOUS political faux pauxs in recent memory, let's call her what she is: a pendeja.
On Tuesday, while Anaheim continued to burn, Eastman posted a message to a private Internet message board that thanked the riots for allowing her and her cohorts on the Anaheim City Council to subvert democracy.
As first reported by the No Jordan Brandman blog (which, quick aside: YES on No Brandman for City Council, and YES for a muckraking Anaheim blog–about damn time!), Eastman wrote on the message board just after attending a City Council meeting that it was “finally quiet in the hood” and proceeded to express gratitude for the riots. The council meeting was ended short due to the riots, which meant that two critical agenda items weren't heard. One dealt with allowing Anaheim residents to vote on a multi-million-dollar subsidy to hotel developers; another would've put the issue of creating ward districts for city council elections instead of the current at-large system on the ballot as well. Activists want the two, to create a more participatory Anaheim electorate. Eastman and her fellow developer puppets on the council, Harry Sidhu and Kris Murray, are opposed.
But the riots happened, which meant the council couldn't place those initiatives on the November ballot, which means it ain't going to happen, which means Eastman is ecstatic. “The bonus now is that a threat of seeing either the [subsidy] 
issue or districting on the November ballot is past,” Eastman enthused. “In spite of how it happened, it was a big time win for all who opposed seeing that placed on the November ballot…Tonight we celebrate a win with no shots fired!”
This, after Anaheim police fired rubber bullets at protestors–CLUELESS!
The comment sparked a furor in Anaheim's political classes, and a half-assed apology that Eastman just posted on Facebook (with the convenient excuse that
, although she seems to think that the furor is about her use of the word “hood” and not her bullshit politics.Worst of all? Eastman is the only councilmember who doesn't live in Anaheim Hills. She should know better–but that she doesn't tells you all you need to know about how clueless Anaheim leadership truly is. BOOT THE BUMS OUT!