Coinciding with this month's Fullerton Artwalk, PAS Gallery presents its newest exhibit, a perfect collection of relaxed nostalgia for these late summer days. John M. Sollom's “Fun & Games,” studies of simplicity with looses brush strokes and pops of carnival color, is a whimsical look back at some of the artist's favorite board games, classic Americana and fun pastimes (like our favorite, “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.” And the song is cool, too). The artist believes viewers can easily identify with this installment because, as Sollom puts it, “Almost everyone drinks a beer, right?” Also on hand this night is interactive game playing, beer tasting from a Huntington Beach brewer and a Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt contest. That's right. Magnum PI.
Fri., Aug. 3, 6 p.m., 2012