A Passover-Themed Toilet Seat Cover, Or: How Not To Decorate for Passover

Guess what this is.

No, it's not a matzoh warmer. Good guess, though.

This is a Passover decoration that goes on the place the matzoh eventually gets to. Yes, dear readers, a friend of mine saw this Passover-themed toilet seat cover for sale in the kosher section of a Shaw's supermarket in Canton, Massachusetts.

The idea of “decorating” for Passover is a little odd anyway, given that the
point of the holiday is that the malech ha-movess–the angel of
death–passed over houses whose doorways had been painted with lamb's

Still, this is America, and if you want to decorate for Passover, then
by all means, go ahead. A word to the wise, though: Not all decorations
pass the test of good taste. Novelty toilet seat covers bought from a bin at the supermarket? Pass over it.

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