Many college students will soon have to dig deep into their beer funds to pay for classes.
On Wednesday, outside the Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach, about
40 students, faculty and staff from various CSU campuses participated
in a “protest carnival,” a demonstration featuring a “fee obstacle
course” (symbolizing that higher fees would create an obstacle for
students), “Pin the Money on the CSU Donkey,” and a painting of a clown
and the words, “Clowning with Education.” Some students argued that in
this economy, the tuition increases would force them to take out
additional student loans or defer their education.
The creative efforts, however, did not stop the trustees from approving the increases, which will boost tuition 5 percent for the rest of this school year and an additional 10 percent starting next year. Tuition had already gone up 32 percent last year and another 5 percent this fall. Officials explained that the extra money is needed due to budget cuts, and will help increase enrollment and the number of classes offered, making it easier for students to graduate in four years. Tuition will rise to $4,884, in addition to campus fees of about $1,000.