The news has been around for a while that Charlie Palmer is opening a burger stand within his eponymous South Coast Plaza restaurant, but Nation's Restaurant News–the bible of the industry–GA*******@oc******.com&utm_content=NRN-News-NRNam-11-22-10&utm_campaign=Subway%3A%20Lessons%20learned%20while%20undercover”>weighed in with a piece today, placing it in the context of celebrity chefs going the burger route in this Great Recession and also revealing that Palmer doesn't plan to expand the concept beyond OC.
Feeling special, cabrones? Then grill this: tomorrow, the new DG Burger will give out 300 FREE burgers. First come, first serve. Again: FREE burgers. At South Coast Plaza. You can barely get free air there.
One final message after the jump!
The burger is FREE.
Seriously, folks: GO. Even I'm going to this madness–and I haven't bothered with food events since the first round of Kogi.
Charlie Palmer at Bloomingdale's South Coast Plaza tomorrow, opens 11:30 a.m., 3333 Bristol St.,
Costa Mesa, (714) 361-4264.
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