I think that one of the biggest points this paper has proven in the nearly 15 years of our existence is how embarrassingly apologist OC's Republican Party is. Mike Carona a crook? Support him! Pedophiles and their apologists among the GOP ranks? Those kids wanted to be sodomized, people! Horrific politicians embarrassing the conservative cause? Support, support, support!
But in the past couple of years, the Democratic Party of Orange County has made sure they will not lose ground to their Reep rivals in the hack game. And the worst possible example they can do to show this happens March 25, when a rogue's gallery of Dems will come out to support SanTana Mayor-for-Life, tax cheat, and conflict-of-interest lover Don Papi Pulido.
The Don Papi, for some reason, is running for reelection petrified at the idea there's actually a legitimate opponent in attorney and longtime community activist Alfredo Amezcua. His allies are already engaging in Albert Robles dirty tricks, and if you think SanTana politics are bare-knuckles, just wait until the South Gate way comes in full force.
Back to March 25. That day, Don Papi Pulido supporters will host a fundraiser for him at the First American Title Insurance headquarters near the South Coast Metro area. There'll be the usual sprinkling of Republicans there–Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle, Supervisor Bill Campbell, and Lincoln Club bigwig Dale Dykema. But the special guest? Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, who apparently is no longer sore Pulido supported Bob “B-1 Baboso” Dornan over her so long ago. Loretta's a real progressive there, apologists!
But, wait: there's even more pendejos lending their name to the Don Papi!
*The entirety of the SanTana City Council: This marks the final devolution of councilwoman Michelle Martinez. Two years, she ran against Pulido arguing he was a corrupt menace to the city; Pulido responded by having councilwoman Claudia Alvarez refer to Martinez as a drug dealer (which she once was) and leaked out that her brother was caught in a gang sweep. Now? Martinez is BFF with Alvarez and the Don Papi–nice example for SanTana's youth, Michelle!
*Frank Barbaro: The chairman of OC's Democratic has already proven himself an idiot with his support of the adulterous felon Carona, so no real surprise here. Then again, the next time Barbaro's endorsement will help a candidate win will be the first.
*Melahat Rafiei: Until recently, she was executive director of the Dems before leaving to run the quixotic congressional campaign of Irvine councilwoman Beth Krom. Seems she's also running Don Papi's campaign, as she's the person handling his fundraiser. Guess you couldn't help but to help two notorious Dem dummies, eh, Melahat?
*Jordan Brandman: By far the strangest name on the list. What on earth is an Anaheim Union High School District trustee doing palling around with the Don Papi? Dontcha think your time can be better served improving the abysmal test scores of Anaheim Unified, Jordan? So much for you being a fresh breath of air–just another hack!
There are more Don Papi Pulido Democratic supporters to come, I'm sure. In the meanwhile, nice to know Democrats can be even bigger apologists than Republicans once in a while!
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