The OCLNN Shut Down: The Dirty Details

Spencer reported yesterday that the Los Angeles Times spin-off news site OCLNN, the Orange County Local News Network, has been shut down, only four months after its launch. The site had combined sourcing from both the Times and the San Diego-based US Local News Network.

We just received a few more sordid details from an anonymous source on how it all went down–the broken promises, the sad, sad journalists.

“At 2:30 p.m. yesterday, OCLNN laid off all of its employees abruptly, with zero warning. They were so cavalier about it, and fucked business-wise,” our source tells us. “They guaranteed–verbally–to the staff that they had financing for a year.”

So how did OC's latest crop of unemployed journalists spend their afternoon? Drinking at the Helm, of course.

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