We know how much you wanted to go to SXSW last week. But for those not willing to take a week off work and spend a butt-load of cash to get there, here's an entertaining set of live videos from Austin showcasing some of our hometown talent on stage, spreading the gospel of rock & roll in a variety of sweet and passionate permutations.
Most of these were mentioned in the Weekly last week in a feature about OC/LBC band's like Local Natives, the Growlers and Avi Buffalo making the trip. And judging by the crowd reactions, we'd say that not only did they make it to the festival, but for the brief amount of time they were on stage, they pretty much owned it.
The Growlers- “Someone Something Jr.”
Let's start off with the pounding psychedelics of the Growlers,performing “Something Someone Jr.” And stay tuned for more great vids after the jump including Avi Buffalo, Delta Spirit and Local Natives. Thanks again to the fans for braving the body odor and brutality of the front row to get us couch potatoes a good look at the action in Austin.
The Delta Spirit-“Children”
Avi Buffalo- “Summer Cum”
Local Natives- “Sun Hands”