Top 10 records (and other things) sold from June 23 to June 29, at Underdog Records, 812 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach, (949) 494-9490. Underdog specializes in punk, new wave and indie vinyl, and also has a large dub selection. The store carries CDs, T-shirts, cult-classic music videos and “Hispanic polka music,” says owner Mike Lohrman.
1 “Absolute garbage out of the 'buck bins'—boxes of stuff that's only $1.”
2 Dead Kennedys T-shirts
3 Regulations, Regulations and Electric Guitar (Havok)
4 Screamers, In a Better World and Demos:1977-1978 (Extravertigo/Xeroid)
5 Desmond Dekker, Israelites: The Best of Desmond Dekker (Import)
6 Led Zeppelin, “Anything, even In Through the Out Door.” (Atlantic)
7 The Velvet Underground, Loaded reissue (Warner Bros.)
8 The Stitches, 8 x 12 CD reissue (Vinyl Dog)
9 Rudimentary Peni, “Anything.” (Corpus Christi and Outer Himalayan)
10 Circle Jerks, Group Sex (Frontier)
STAFF PICK: Los Dennes, Tragedias (Sony International): “It's so fucking awesome. If you have drug problems, it's so good you'll have to take a shit right away. I'm really into this Mexican polka music right now.” (Mike)