Gustavo's Latest KCRW “OC Line”: On the 1st Supervisorial District Special Election!

Does anyone other than consultants actually care about the special election this month for the First Supervisorial District seat? It's just a giant game of musical chairs coupled with the dynastic death match that is the Republican Party against the Democrats using Vietnamese and Latinos as their proxies in the war for Central County.

On the Democrats side, you have Lou Correa, the former supervisor until he resigned to become state senator, a seat he recently left due to term limits. He was replaced in both instances by Janet Nguyen, who has anointed her former chief of staff (and the guy who replaced her on the Garden Grove City Council) Andrew Do to replace her in the 1st Supervisorial District.

Headache already? Now imagine how I tried to explain it in my first KCRW-FM 89.9 “Orange County Line” of the year.


As usual, you're going to have to go over to KCRW's page to listen to the commentary–and you definitely should. Enjoy!



. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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