Synthetic Marijuana Found in Rosca de Reyes Bread That Poisoned Dozens: UPDATE

SECOND UPDATE, JAN. 16, 7:17 A.M.: A Santa Police Department investigation determined that the drug used in a rosca de reyes cake that poisoned at least 40 people across Orange County was synthetic pot. So you've heard of pot brownies–now pot pan dulce?


The police investigation matched the MacGruber-esqueOrange County Register, who obtained a sample of the tainted bread and sent it off to a laboratory to beat the cops–because, you know, this is such a pressing issue to the Reg's Mexican-hating audience. Specifically, the paper said that the ingredient was spice. Since this Mexican only knows booze, I will now consult the stoners on staff for further details…

FIRST UPDATE, JAN. 12, 6:03 A.M. What was originally thought to be just a bad batch of rosca de reyes has now turned into a criminal investigation, as SanTana police have determined that a synthetic drug is what made more than 40 people sick with hallucinations, rapid heartbeat and more after eating rosca de reyes.

Meanwhile, the panaderĂ­a at the center of this scandal, Cholula Bakery, posted the following on their Facebook page:

More to come…

ORIGINAL POST, JAN. 8, 7:03 A.M. I've never been a fan of rosca de reyes, the pan dulce traditionally served only around January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany–or, as us Mexis call it, Dia de los Reyes Magos (Day of the Three Magical Kings, referring to the magi of biblical lore). Not only does it rarely get finished, not only is it overpriced, not only is the tradition of finding a tiny baby Jesus inside of it weak salsa, but the actual rosca de reyes itself ain't much: over-sugared, over-processed and with candied fruit taking the place of any taste. Blecch.

And now, I have further reason not to eat it. Over 30 people have reported getting poisoned after eating rosca de reyes made at a SanTana bakery this past week.
The Orange County Register reported that county health officials shut down Cholula Bakery after finding a cockroach infestation following an inspection, although it's not known yet whether that led to their tainted rosca de reyes, which they distributed to restaurants, mercados, and other bakeries across OC. Strangely, people afflicted didn't report the usual vomiting and diarrhea but rather a feeling of getting drugged and a fast heartbeat, which makes me wonder if Cholula used a bad batch of flour.

In the meanwhile, authorities are urging folks not to eat rosca de reyes until they find the culprit. They should extend that warning FOREVER…and urge folks to eat empanadas instead.



. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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