How to Get Your Music Covered in OC Weekly

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I don't know what the deal is, but lately I've been receiving a lot of phone calls and emails from musicians asking how they can get their work reviewed in this paper, as if there were some great mystery involved.

It's really quite simple; bands have been doing it for decades (or paying people to do it for them for that long). I'm only going to say this once, as I don't have time to field calls and reply to emails all day about this awfully basic concept. If you're a friend of a musician who doesn't have internet access or who doesn't read this blog, please pass on this info to him/her. Here goes…

1.Record extraordinary music.
2.Put that extraordinary music onto a format such as CD or vinyl (MP3s are shite, mate).
3.Send that extraordinary music to me at this address, or drop it off yourself: Dave Segal/OC Weekly, 1666 N Main St #500, Santa Ana CA 92701
4.Give me 7-10 days to listen to and evaluate your (I hope) extraordinary music, then shoot me an email [


] to ask about coverage.
5.Keep expectations low, as space is limited, releases are plentiful and the music editor is a picky bastard.

And that's it. Good luck.

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