Published since September 1995, OC Weekly provides readers in Orange County and Long Beach with award-winning news coverage and provocative coverage of arts and entertainment.
With a circulation of 45,000, the paper each week reaches more than 503,206 active, educated and affluent readers, who look to the Weekly to guide their lifestyle and entertainment choices. Readers rely on the Weekly’s intelligent and unconventional coverage of local social issues, politics, arts and culture.
In 2007, OC Weekly took second place for general excellence in the prestigious Missouri Lifestyle Journalism Awards, a contest in which it competed against dailies and weeklies in its circulation category from across the country. The Weekly has also won numerous awards from the Los Angeles Press Club, including that organization’s decision in 2007 to honor investigative reporter and “Ask a Mexican” columnist Gustavo Arellano with its prestigious President’s Award.

Weekly Total Readership
Weekly Print Readership
Weekly Online Readership
Age Group
