Before/After Roseanne Opens Her Santa Ana Pot Dispensary [Editorial Cartoon]

For this week’s “Orange Feathers” editorial cartoon, calendar editor Aimee Murillo decided to imagine what’s going to happen to Roseanne Barr after she opens up her medicinal marijuana dispensary in SanTana. Here’s Aimee’s thinking:

For this comic, I wanted to relay the news of Roseanne Barr’s plans to open a dispensary in Santa Ana in a clever way, while at the same time making a prediction on the radical effects the city will have on her: aesthetically a makeover, as a rough-and-tumble Suavecita-sporting rockabilly, while jaded from the corrupt powers that be that make business for pot shops in Santa Ana impossible to operate without tension.

BOOM. Enjoy! And remember: any aspiring cartoonists can hit me up with ideas for “Orange Feathers” at


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