Ben & Jerry's Puts Schweddy Balls In Its Ice Cream

Just in time for the season premiere of Saturday Night Live on September 24 with host Alec Baldwin (arguably the best SNL guest host and who also plays Pete Schweddy in the clip behind the jump), the ice cream company that has already given Steven Colbert and Jimmy Fallon their own ice cream flavors (Americone Dream and Late Night Snack, respectively) has the cojones to do an homage to a 13-year-old sketch from the show.


The limited-time flavor will have vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum
and loaded with fudge covered rum and milk chocolate malt balls. Can you
resist Schweddy's Balls?

If you're cringing already, be thankful they didn't do anything
food-related with Alec Baldwin's turn as The Scoutmaster
in this Canteen Boy sketch.

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