It's rare to see conservatives take on the Orange County Republican power structure, but that's exactly what this Fullerton-based blog does. Combining juvenile name-calling, actual investigative chops, and a disdain for nearly everything and everyone, Friends for Fullerton's Future's collection of writers generates an arresting, laugh-out-loud read that never bores. Among its gets this year: derailing the Assembly campaign of local GOP heavyweight Dick Ackerman's wife, Linda, by, among other tactics, memorably calling her “Hackerwoman”; showing the hypocrisy of self-professed big-government-hater Matt Cunningham (of OC Blog fame) by posting contracts showing how Cunningham had billed the county nearly half-a-million dollars for actions as mundane as writing press releases touting the use of toothbrushes; and visiting the purported home of Anaheim councilman Harry Sidhu to establish he was a mere carpetbagger who had left his Anaheim Hills estate to be able to run (unsuccessfully) for a seat on the Board of Supervisors. With a tumultuous 2010 election upon us, expect Friends for Fullerton's Future to only increase in venom, laughs and breaking news.