Originally in Fountain Valley, Barbella Studios moved to Costa Mesa in 2005 and has perforated skin there since. The front end looks more like a clinical office than a body-modification studio, but the backroom—where piecing happens—has a wildly different, punk-rock vibe, with framed paintings of monsters (most of it by resident piercer Stephen Von Frankenstein, with whom you can have the best conversations about Prince ever) hanging from purple and yellow walls. Barbella strives to give clients the optimal experience at every visit, with highly trained piercers who are as friendly as they are modified and can help cure any prepiercing jitters with confidence. Following each session, you’re educated on aftercare and gifted a helpful pamphlet and free saline to treat your new hole.
1799 Newport Blvd., Ste. A106, Costa Mesa, (949) 629-9999; www.barbellastudios.com.
Readers’ Choice: Tommy T’s Body Piercing