Brain Party Trivia: Jurassic Park-Themed Trivia Night

As dino-philes and Crichton fanboys totally geek out waiting for the new Jurassic Park movie—and the rest of us hold our breath hoping it resembles some sort of the awesomeness of the 1993 original, thus acceptably making up for those two awful sequels (Remember Jurassic Park III? Was that even a movie?)—Alex’s Bar pays tribute to the coolest theme park that never was with a J.P.-themed Brain Party Trivia Night. It’s a five-dollar buy-in, winner take all, with happy hour drink specials all night—and free pizza. Teams can be one to six people; some possible team names to consider: Raptor Rapture, The Clever Girls, Meatasauruses, The Future Ex-Mrs. Malcolms, or Hold Onto Your Butts.

Mon., May 18, 8 p.m., 2015

One Reply to “Brain Party Trivia: Jurassic Park-Themed Trivia Night”

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