EDIT, DEC. 2, 9:55 A.M.: We've taste-tested CREAM and put it up against our own homemade version. Read our review here!
ORIGINAL ITEM: When we first heard about CREAM, the alcohol-infused whipped cream in a can being touted as the next Four Loko, we were pretty amused. While food blogger/pro snootist Dave Lieberman prefers the real thing (made with real cream, bourbon, sugar and vanilla), I'm more inclined to, say, pick up the phone and immediately dial every store around to see if anyone carries the stuff.
CREAM offers five flavors total–raspberry, chocolate, cherry, caramel and vanilla. Hi-Time Wine Cellars in Costa Mesa pulls through again, carrying both the vanilla and chocolate flavors for $9.99 each.
The cans contain 15-percent alcohol, which is equal to 30-proof. While CREAM's official website suggests serving the stuff “on top of your favorite mixed drinks, shots, jello shots, desserts and
coffees,” we'd say it's probably most ideal to just squirt the stuff directly into your mouth. Or to, uh, liven up that coffee or hot chocolate to get through that workday. (Not that we do that kind of thing around here.)
And, yes, of course: You can expect a taste test and Dueling Dishes coming up very, very soon here in Stick A Fork In It. How much CREAM does one have to funnel into their bodies until they start feeling tipsy anyway?
EDIT, 5:47 P.M.: Our sister paper in Houston has a post up on a similar product—Whipped Lightning… which is a helluva lot more Google-able than CREAM.
Hi-Time Wine Cellars, 250 Ogle St., Costa Mesa, 1(800) 331-3005; hitimewine.net.
Where can I buy/order vanilla alcohol infused whipped cream? I do not want lighting I am looking for infused whipped cream like the picture you have on this page. It is called CREAM.