Daniel Wozniak Finally Wins an Award! [OC Weekly Editorial Cartoon]

For this week's Orange Feathers, Weekly contributor Scott Feinblatt took on the murder conviction of Daniel Wozniak, the creepy actor who butchered his friend and his girlfriend to steal money for Wozniak's wedding. Take it away, Scott!

It can be difficult to put a satirical spin on a devastating situation such as this. The crimes committed were as heinous in their execution as the entire plot was frivolous in its intention. The prospect of Justice, however, can be satisfying, and for those who believe in “an eye for an eye,” it is all well and good to bid Wozniak well on his way to Hell. Thus, it occurred that while Wozniak’s attempts at acting in film and theater never earned him any distinction of consequence, through his own actions, he has finally gained the public’s attention in a significant way. Congratulations to Mr. Daniel Wozniak, who has truly earned this commemoration through the recognition of his peers.


Got an idea for an Orange County-based editorial cartoon? Email garellano at ocweekly dot com. Happy drawering.

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