So I’m driving home, taking the 405 south to the 73, but I get off at MacArthur. That’s two exits before the toll begins. But I spaced out big-time and instead exited at Newport Coast. This mistake cost $3.43. I paid it two days later, well within the five-day period. Ten days later, I get an “Evasion of Toll” letter that says the cost will go to $57.50, $103.43, then “vehicle registration lien.” Who gave these assholes this power? So I call, give my payment confirmation, and she looks it up. She says, “Mmmhmm.” Then she launches into a pitch to get me to sign up with my credit card, and I would only be charged when using the toll road. Fuck you! It was a total scam just to pitch me. The only other time I’ve used the toll road was when a plane crashed on the 405 and there was NO CHOICE. Still had to pay. Lesson learned: Don’t space out. And STOP THEM AT EVERY TURN.
Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to le*****@oc******.com.
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