Edison High School Reopens After Bomb Threat

Edison High School was put on lockdown due to an anonymous bomb threat this morning, but the campus at 21400 Magnolia St., Huntington Beach was later reopened and classes resumed.


The threat by email was reported to Huntington Beach Police around 11 8:40 a.m. and prompted an evacuation of classes to athletic fields.

But a campus search by police officers and a sheriff's bomb squad quickly produced an all-clear declaration at 12:45 p.m.

There will be a heightened police on the campus Tuesday, officials say.

A media statement from the office of Huntington Beach Union High School District Superintendent Gregory Plutko follows on the next page.



Officials at the Huntington Beach Union High School District have been coordinating closely with the Huntington Beach Police Department in response to a bomb threat that was sent through an anonymous email to school officials this morning. District Superintendent Gregory Plutko issued the following statement to parents and the media:

Student safety is a high priority on all of our campuses. When district officials received the email this morning during school hours, we immediately implemented our emergency response plan and contacted the Huntington Beach Police Department. Our telephone and email notification systems alerted parents and staff to the situation. In an abundance of caution, classes at Edison High School were evacuated to the athletic fields to allow HBPD and OC Sherriff staff an opportunity to search the facility.

We appreciate the prompt and thorough response of the Huntington Beach Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff's bomb squad. The campus has been thoroughly searched and there is no indication that the threatened attack at the school was credible. Following the search of the campus, normal school activities were resumed. We are continuing to work with the proper authorities to investigate the matter.

As a precaution, HBPD will have a heightened presence around campus tomorrow and the district will have additional HBUHSD campus safety staff available to ensure student and staff safety.

Thank you to the Edison High school community for their support of the mighty Chargers!



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