Special Screenings

Movie of the week: 

Rocky Horror Picture Show.What screams post-Christmas cheer more than dressing up in fishnets and dry humping the head of the audience member in front of you? Yes, while most special screeners out there are taking a nice holiday break, Midnight Insanity keeps it going this Saturday. Finally, that tinsel boa you've been sporting the rest of the year will be seasonally appropriate. QMX Royal Theatre aboard the Queen Mary, 1126 Queens Hwy., Long Beach, (562) 684-4411; www.qmxroyal.com. Sat., midnight. $9.

Mail your press releases (and a videotape or disc, if available) to Special Screenings,
OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701-7417. Or send e-mail to


. All materials must be received at least two weeks before the screening.

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