It’s been another impressive year for comedy in Orange County and in 2015, there were plenty of huge names that made it into our backyard. And as we look towards a new year, we also know there’ll be even more gracing us with their presence. But we’re not going to go into detail now about all of that. Right now, we want to talk about some fantastic comics that we’ve had a chance to see ourselves and in 2016, we really (really, really) want to see more of. Since it’s always a good thing to broaden your horizons, here are our picks for the “Five Comics to Watch Out For in 2016.” What are you waiting for? It’s almost here! Get a head start and jump on it!
5. Daniel Eachus
We’ve been becoming more and more impressed with comedian Daniel Eachus for a while now and while he is getting some great shine in the spotlight all on his own, we wanted to give him a little extra. Aside from Daniel’s incredible humor (and trust, he’s got humor for days), he’s also a master of “going for it” which is totally respectable and his joke writing skills are unreal but totally real if you catch what we’re throwing. And just in case you aren’t catching it, what we’re trying to say is, if Daniel is in the area, do yourself a solid and check him out. Pronto.
4. Justine Marino
Justine has been spreading her funny like an infection (in a good way) all over SoCal. And she hasn’t stopped just there. She hit the circuit running showing off her artistry on Last Call with Carson Daly, MTV, Jenny McCarthy’s “Dirty, Sexy, Funny,” and most importantly of course, we’ve watched her bring down the house in our local Improv’s. We don’t see this talented, outspoken, and unbiased gal going away anytime soon and that makes us happy because truth be told, we've become infected by Justine's prowess and we want more. A lot more.
3. Joe Sib
Punk rock bad ass and co-owner of Side One Dummy Records turned comedian, Joe Sib is absolutely crushing the comedy scene. His style is a bit wild child but his energetic personality and humor filled stories on stage keep us more than interested. As a dude who seems like he can do it all effortlessly, we look forward to watching just what Joe will do next because judging by his track record of rocking the crowd in several domains, we’re positive that his big moves going forward will be amazing.
2. Taylor Tomlinson
In a world that seems to think that there aren’t a lot of funny women, Taylor Tomlinson is doing her best to crush barriers and funny bones. She’s been on “Last Comic Standing,” did work with “Laughs” on Fox, and also just recorded Adam DeVine’s House Party for Comedy Central. Taylor may be young in age but filled with pure skill, she offers up unique perspectives that make her relatable to audiences of all ages. And being that she is so young and already dominating, we can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next year and beyond.
1. Amir K
To be fair, we’ve seen OC native Amir K. do a ton of stand-up and a ton of huge things over the years such as smashing the stage at Oddball Comedy Festival and on the Vans Warped Tour, being pranktastic on MTV’s “Jerks with Cameras,” and he's performed for the masses not just in the OC, but all over the globe too. With no end of being continuously entertaining in sight, we can visualize his star shining even brighter because not only does this man have the skills and hustle to make it happen but also, he has that irrefutable “it factor.” Whether he is on TV or on the stage, we are a fan of Amir K. and in 2016, we’ll be watching with baited breath to see what he’ll gift us all with next all in the name of comedy.
For even more laughs in 2016, do yourself a favor and follow the funny on Twitter: @DanEachus, @JustineMachine, @TaylorTomlinson, @JoeSib, and @AmirComedy.

Ali Lerman knows much about comedy, basketball, and celebrating Wu-Tang Wednesday. She’s been writing for sixteen years and still calls her mom with grammatical questions.