Anyone who has spent much time in downtown Fullerton (shame on you) is undoubtedly familiar with the Fox Fullerton, the once-stately movie palace opened in 1925 on Harbor Boulevard just north of Chapman Avenue. It’s been closed since 1987 and has survived threats of wrecking balls, redevelopment plans, and all kinds of weird shit since then, but it has weathered all the storms. And–thanks to the Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation (FHTF) and a BUNCH of volunteers and donors—approximately $14 million has been raised over the last 10 years and it is more than conceivable that the theater will open again.
As a sign of that, this weekend, the Fox is hosting the first indoor showing of a movie since 1987: “Jaws.” It’s a perfect way to begin the summer, and all the hysterical fears about swimming in the ocean that anyone with a rational cell in their brain will feel. But along with the screening, one of the principal creative visions behind what helped make that movie not only a box office sensation but also a cultural artifact—the shark!—will be on hand to offer his perspective on helping to craft the film.

Joel Beers has written about theater and other stuff for this infernal rag since its very first issue in, when was that again???