After checking their e-mail and playing yet another round of Angry Birds, smartphone users in Long Beach can help de-fuglify the neighborhood.
The city has launched “Go Long Beach,” a free application for the iPhone and BlackBerry (the Android app will be released in December) that allows residents to submit fix-it requests with just a few clicks. LBC is largest city in Southern California to offer the service.
To submit a request, users provide a description, the GPS coordinates and an optional photo of the problem, and crews will respond faster than requests made by telephone or e-mail. Service categories include graffiti, broken water fountains in parks, potholes, illegally
dumped items, missing street signs, sidewalk damage, and overgrown weeds
on private property. More categories will be added based on need.
The city gets a gold star for entering the 21st century, but we do give sympathy to the poor workers who'll surely be bombarded with petty complaints. Dog poo, toys left outside, ugly naked guys in apartment windows–come on, fix it!