Perhaps no city in Orange County is more notorious for its graffiti problem than SanTana. It made national headlines a couple of weeks ago when someone tagged two separate death threats against California Governor Jerry Brown on the same day. But most of its tags are of the ugly, pedestrian gang-turf/tagging-crew variety, with nothing in terms of urging political uprisings like the best graffiti has exhibited since the Romans.
Until this past Sunday. More after the jump!
This was sent to the Weekly yesterday by a source who wasn't the tagger–mainly because the source is a friend who's actually a supporter of Santa Ana Mayor Don Papi Pulido (oh, the drunken arguments we get into weekly–but that's a story for another time). The time stamp on the photo was yesterday morning, and my amigo said the city maintenance people were already painting over it.
Who could the mystery tagger be? Couldn't be cholos because they're too dumb to formulate any revolutionary plan, and the many Aztlanistas in town would've used español for their statement. Fascinating . . .