Ahhh, Thanksgiving. It’s that time of the year when we’re reminded that the Pilgrims and Indians were friends and to celebrate, we stuff our faces with turkey and the fixins’, gelatinous cranberry, and some vegan substitutions for your pain-in-the-ass-cousin Karen. Whether you are set to harass your family or avoid them, when it comes to Thanksgiving, a few things are still part of the tradition. Bellies will be full, you’ll save the dishes for later, sleep will be had, and shade will somehow be thrown. We’ve done our own shopping and cooking Olympics to prep for the festivities so now, we turn it over to your entertaining pals on Twitter who have some sweet as pie ways on how to further enjoy the day when the food parade goes straight to wattle town. (Btw no one is proud about the amount of puns used in this totally gravy intro.)

Ali Lerman knows much about comedy, basketball, and celebrating Wu-Tang Wednesday. She’s been writing for sixteen years and still calls her mom with grammatical questions.